First and Foremost, please remember this is a fun league.
The Calgary Media Curling League uses the rules outlined by the Canadian Curling Association and the 5 rock rule. For our governance, the following rules apply:
• If a game must be cancelled, the team that cannot attend must notify the other team’s skip and forfeit the game. No ties will be allowed in this circumstance.
• All teams must have at least one male and one female present at all games . Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of points. (If this is the case, the game should still be played as this league is about fun and fellowship).
• Teams must have two regular members: that is, a team cannot have three spares. The game should still be played for fun as above.
• Lateness is penalized by one point per ten minutes up to ½ hour, plus the loss of the hammer. After ½ hour, the offending team forfeits points.
• A spare may play any position except skip & may not throw 4th stones or call the game.
• A team’s alternate player may play any position, including skip.
• When the buzzer goes off, teams may finish the end in progress and play one more end (Maximum of 8 ends total). The completion of an end is determined when the scoring is agreed upon by the thirds. The start of the next end begins as soon as the lead delivers their first rock (makes it to first hog line/release of stone)
• The five-rock rule will be in play.
• Please note: any exception to these rules must be agreed upon by both teams, and discussed/contested prior to the start of the game. Any disagreements should be brought to the attention of the executive prior to the game commencement.
• If there is a three-way tie in the playoff squares, then the team who is higher in overall point standings will be the winner. If there is still a tie, then the winner will be the team who is higher in the win/loss in the regular season. If there is still a tie, the winner will be the team that defeated the other team in round robin play.
•Final Playoffs – no tie => SKIPS ROCKS will be thrown
o Any member of the team is allowed to deliver one rock
o Another team member can hold the broom
o Sweeping is allowed
o Closest to the button wins
•In all cases, as stated above, this curling league exists for your enjoyment and we hope that none of these rules ever become an issue. Media League Board